
When memory becomes a treasure

Hi there! Today I'm sharing another sympathy card featuring So Suzy Stamps June Release. The starting point was this sentiment: Oggi vi mostro un'altra card per condoglianze che ho realizzanto utilizzando un bellissimo augurio dell'ultima release di So Suzy Stamps: I just wanted to set a scene that would fit the idea of...

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Pillole di felicità

  F e l i c i t à .  No, non ho adottato un gattino. Mettetevi comodi, ora vi spiego. Volevo scrivere tanto e di tante cose legate alla felicità, ma una volta messe nero su bianco non riuscivo a decidere da dove partire. Per cui parto da un dettaglio di per...

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Somewhere over the rainbow

Hi everyone! Today I'm sharing with you this rainbow card I made for So Suzy Stamps. I took inspiration from this new sentiment (see here all the June Release): While I was going through all my stamps trying to find the most suitable one, I decided to make something different using only a...

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So Suzy Stamps 2016 Design Team Blog Hop

Welcome everyone to the 2016 So Suzy Stamps Design Team Blog Hop!  We have a brand new team bringing you So Suzy projects for the rest of 2016 and I was chosen to be part of it! This is my first experience as DT member and I'm pleased to share this adventure with...

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